Benefits of Living Slower


Slow living isn’t about doing less, but about savouring every moment and making the most out of it. When we live life slowly and mindfully, the Universe responds by helping us achieve more in less time. Cool, right? 

To help us understand and practise slow living more gracefully, I’ve invited the author of  Enlightenment is Sexy Valerie Gangas, to come on the Lit Up Lightworker Podcast and tell us all about it.

Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn: 

  • What is the Art of Slow Living, and why is it important?

  • What are the benefits of slowing down?

  • Is slowing down connected to living a more spiritual life or finding enlightenment? How so?

  • In a world of doing more and being more, what are some processes we can implement to slow down?

  • What are some ways to disconnect or manage our technology to allow for slowing down?


How To Become A Manifesting Machine


The Love Speaks Series: Speaking of Enlightenment